Monday, October 1, 2012

NHL Lockout in Canada

I've started ranting and raving about imposing term limits on municipal, provincial, and federal politicians of up to eight years like in the US.

It is interesting to note that the eight year mark was not some studied and statistically agreed upon number for someone to be president in the US, but that the first US president, George Washington, stepped down after eight years because he didn't want to hold onto the highest position of authority any longer than that.

I digress to say that it is time for Gary Bettman to step down as commissioner of the NHL.

Come on, three work stoppages in the last what, 15 years?

And this last one is befuddling to me.

The NHL is a billion dollar plus a year industry.

The NHLPA wants a bigger cut of that billion plus dollars.

If Sydney Crosby has a multi year contract worth over a $100 million, it would seem that the players are the greedy culprits again, since the last bone of contention was the players association resisting the league imposing a salary cap.

Well, Sydney Crosby's blockbuster contract is the exception and not the rule player salary wise, and yet for the casual fan like me, I can't wrap my head around a couple of things.

1. Why do the players want/need more money?

2. Why do the owners want/need to hold onto their current cut of revenues?

From my perspective, all I see is two sides who aren't in dire financial straits wanting more money then they could individually need for two lifetimes.

It has nothing to do with stability, safety, or fairness.

Sure there have been other strikes and lockouts in other professional leagues from basketball to football, but the NHL seems plagued by playground territorialisim.

That's enough ranting for now ...

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