Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Attention Andrew Swan, Minister of Justice for the Manitoba NDP

If prisoners sleeping on top of each other seems like such an acceptable state of the penal system in the province of Manitoba, why don't you spend a night in those conditions and see what it is really like!

Ode to a fake lake ....

It doesn't seem to matter which government we elect, inevitably the government in power makes questionable use of tax payers dollars.

In the case of the G8 to G20 summits, the expensive cost of security is justified to prevent terrorists from taking advantage of a lot of world leaders being in one location at a time.

Seems sensible doesn't it? Well, not really when you realize that a lot of the agenda is already agreed upon before said meetings/summits, and it is predominantly a show for politicians to appear before podiums and sign agreements with fancy ball point pens with cameras giving off epileptic levels of flashing light.

The G8 and G20 meetings are as much about the PR of politics as they are about economics, international trade agreements, etc.

In today's rage against government bailouts for banks and companies who put themselves in a financial pickle, taxpayers are getting tired of stomaching the bill after the party is over.

So, for all you political types out there, heed this warning: Keep it simple!