Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Week With The Ipad ....

I will get right into it. The Ipad has great appeal because of it's usability. And by that I mean you can do a lot with the Ipad considering you can only run your finger on or tap the screen.

From games to magazines, there are a lot of possibilities with the Ipad.

Using the screen was easy enough and it was responsive to what I wanted to do. I found typing on the Ipad for taking notes was relatively easy with the exception of capitalization with the onscreen equivalent of a shift key which seemed to be dodgy at times.

The person who used it before me had some cool apps downloaded such as the Thum Drum and Keyboard app which sound amazing and are very responsive.

I downloaded the IGN app, which was free, and was disappointed as it is nothing more then a bunch of articles you click on.

I noticed in an article from awhile back that the Ipad is big in business and I recall in the latest app commercial for the Ipad that you can drag and drop charts into a presentation, and that is the side that would make or break me purchasing an Ipad in the future; if it is as useful for business purposes as I've heard.

The next time I have the Ipad I will search out some more games and see what I can find!

PS Oh yeah, Angry Birds is an enjoyable game on the Ipad!

Go Water Horse!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Did you notice that pop up ad during your favorite TV show?

Alright, I can't remember what TV show I was watching but I couldn't help but notice that a pop up ad for All Bran appeared in the bottom left corner of the program as I was watching.

The fact that I remember the ad and not the TV show I was watching at the time is a testament to the fact that the ad worked. It got my attention for the simple fact that it was distracting and stood out.

Was it annoying? Perhaps a little because it took my focus off the TV program. Non traditional ad techniques such as the one I mentioned are creeping in all over the place. On Xbox Live, there are plenty of business connected sponsorships associated with online gaming competitions. I suppose the traditional mix of TV, Radio, and Print will never fully go away, but are giving room to new media forms of advertising such as the ones mentioned.

Welcome to the new age of ad!