Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There is no such thing as a bad job ...

Well Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, you set yourself up for all sorts of witty remarks with your comments about EI.

I'm not surprised. Only a conservative could conceive of such lunacy as to compare his work experience in college with the lives of millions of other individuals.

I am currently suffering the indignation of sitting on thousands of dollars of debt because I wanted to return to school in the hopes that it would improve my financial future, and instead, a year on I'm floundering with only low paying call centre jobs willing to hire me. The very type of job I left.

Is that ironic or just tragic?

Could I have done more? I suppose I could have been more thorough, but no one wants to admit that finding work is almost like a lottery, and that if you have a clean resume and write a good cover letter, well, you are at the mercy of people and events not under your control otherwise.

So Mr. Flaherty, I suppose I will do what I have to even if it revolts me.

I don't suppose anyone conceives that as the population grows and more people flood the work force that something Malthusian is at play; too many people and never enough work.

Does anyone else find it distasteful when a lawyer is put in charge of a whole economy or an economist is put in charge of law?

I bring this up because I keep running into the minimum two years experience wall when looking for employment related to what I've studied. It has gotten to the point where I want to ask someone who doesn't hire me how they got experience.

Mr. Flaherty, grab a shred of common sense and keep your self serving platitudes to yourself.

To close, I think I will, at the suggestion of others that I would make a great politician, run in an upcoming election.

After all, it seems you can practice law for several years and not need two years of economic experience to run an entire countries economy.

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